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  • Freddie Collins

Stop Where You Are.

Camera: High angle static long shot of homeless androgynous person in the background which portrays them as inferior in society.

Static wide shot of young pre-teen girl leaning against concrete wall with her hood up , shown as isolated and lonely.

Low angle shots of tall, grey buildings - parallel to characters feelings hard and cold (Brutalist).

Low angle close up of Corinne Bailey Rae with back light illuminating her, giving the impression of spirituality, angelic quality and contrasts with the cold, unwelcoming background.

A series of level-mid shots of all the characters near the end brings them together after listening to Corinne Bailey Rae message.

Editing: Shots became faster and shorter as music video progresses - after cbr spreads her light the pace builds.

Order of narrative switch between each character but in chronological order for each character, events taking place simultaneously.

Two uses of slow-motion at chorus' - 'Stop where you are', slowing down and appreciating life, introduces us to cbr.

Straight cuts flow and reinforces realism.

Cbr gets the most screen time and the people she meets along the way.

Mise en scene: Use of smoke/dry ice and low key lighting shows the characters as quite isolated, unknown, lack of clarity.

Her 'younger' self wearing blue (sadness) vs her now in red (love and empowerment).

Facial codes of seriousness - despair and isolation.

Setting - grey, empty, isolated backdrop of concrete.

Red dress contrasts with other characters in darker clothing - she stands out, reinforces her femininity and the characters are reaching out to her.

Tattoos connotations and scary dog.

Coffee prop, wealth class and helping people.

Angry facial codes (homeless lady , teen gang , tattoo man).

Sound: Emotional slow pop song, singer songwriter genre.

'Give up on all the things you cant control' - Positive message to get through, let stuff you cant control go.

'Stop where you are' - Don't judge, get to know people and don't stereotype, give people the time of the day.

Nature references in lyrics to look around you.

References to light - make light of dark times, cbr brings light to the people who only have darkness.

'Wherever you are you'll find your home' , positive uplifting message , motivation - pensive, slow to fast uplifting song.

Representation: Social groups - lots of young people, older homeless lady, teens.

Themes - Poverty, stereotypes, helping people, bringing people together, community.

Issues - Stereotyping, poverty, hierarchy in society/class.

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