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  • Freddie Collins


Camera: At the start, establishing shot is level mid shot track back of the boy on the floor huddled up - fearful, ends with him in the same vulnerable, fetal position.

Over the shoulder of boy sitting on forest floor and camera pov as authority is chasing - presents boy as small and isolated.

Close up low angle of boy, makes audience protective.

Low angle close up of the bike as hes riding home and fast paced and tense scene - foreshadows a chase scene.

Close up of boys hand and shot reverse shot of hand/keys and keys flying up in the air - special powers, more control in contrast with first shot.

Editing: Special effects - keys, explosion, teddy bear spinning.

Faster and slow-motion, when police break in to build suspense and tension.

Slow-motion at the start shows realization of what happened and makes us wonder what happened at school? What did this boy do? Why is everything rubble and why is the teacher fearful of this boy?

Fast pace on bike - suggest he needs to escape quickly - shows the seriousness and determination. Pace of video complies with the pace of the music.

Screen time is mainly on the boy, he is the hero and it is from his pov, also teacher, police and joggers.

Mise en scene: Daylight/Sun/Autumn.

Leaves house - Sunset.

Passing of time and parallel darkness and light.

Hats and coats and gloves.

Bike - 80s prop - cycling facial codes, frustrated and determined.

Pre-Teen, isolated.

House interior, TV, poster, empty neglected and messy, crumbs, wrappers and clothes - looks like hes looking after himself, no authoritative figure.

House sepia - takes us back - abandoned home.

Teddies, planets, plane - childhood to adulthood very quickly.

News story on the TV - foreshadows ending and super power.

Adults/Authority shadows/silhouette is menacing.

At the beginning the teacher is afraid of the boy showing that he must have done something really bad.

Police officer at the end pointing his gun at the boy, showing his power.

Sound: Dance track - uplifting.

Instruments are more electronic meaning its more energetic and modern.

Lyrics are encouraging resilience - "Fire at the ones who run" , "Sticks and Stones".

Optimistic and energizing feeling of the song, empowering.

"I Am Titanium" , "Nothing to lose" , "Im criticized but all your bullets ricochet".

Representation: The child throwing away his teddies, represents him having to 'grow up' and no parents either. Has to grow up quickly and very young.

Child is represented as isolated - nobody is helping him - on his own and nobody trusts him, all after him. (Suggested he was bullied , could be why the school exploded , links to school shootings).

The power system with the police all threatening a child as they have more power over him, until he uses his superpowers.

The child is seen as smaller than the police, looking up at them and they look down on him, shouting and intimidating him - represents fear and intimidation.

The child only has the power until the end when he tucks himself into a ball and becomes electric and the police are then fearful of him and he is more powerful and is now more feared and intimidates the police, reversing it. (Starts off in a vulnerable, fetal position and the video ends that way as well.

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